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Q: Who appealed to the league of Nations when Italy invaded his country of Ethiopea?
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Czechoslovakia .

What did the league of nations do when Japan invaded china and Italy invaded Ethiopia?

When Italy invaded Ethiopia, the League of Nations, tried to penalize Italy by blocking trade to and from the country of Italy. This type of blockade is known as a trade embargo.

What country did the Italian army invade in 1935?

In 1935, Italy invaded Ethiopia. This lead to international alienation and a withdrawl from the League of Nations for the Italians.

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Iraqi forces invaded and occupied the country of Kuwait.

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The awesome country :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Why did the stressa front fall apart?

The Stressa Front fell apart because Mussolini of Italy invaded the African nation of Abyssinia in 1935. The Stressa Front was between Britain and France (major nations in the league of nations at the time) but when Mussolini invaded Abyssinia, its prince Haile Selassi appealed to the league and it was clear Italy was the aggressor nation. So the league of nations applied limited economic sanctions on Italy (oil was not included) and Mussolini felt offended and instead joined forces with Hitler.

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Nepal is the only country in the world and in the asia Which never got colonized or invaded or conquered or ruled by other nations

What were the Italian invaded countries?

Mainly African Nations.

What country invaded what country first in world war 1?

Germany invaded France

What year did Hitler take over all those country's?

1939 and 1940 were the years Adolph Hitler invaded the European nations. Russia was later however.