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Q: Who are Californias 2 elected senators serving in Washington DC in 2007?
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What led John Adams to be president?

He was elected by Congress after serving as VP for Washington.

Senetor re election?

Senators serve six year terms and they can be re-elected to indefinite terms. Some Senators end up serving for life.

Was George Washington voted in?

Yes, George Washington was elected President of the United States, and then re-elected four years later. He retired after serving two terms.

Can senators live in a different state?

Article I, Section 3 of the US Constitution includes the requirement that:No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.Most senators set up a residence in or near Washington, D.C. while serving, but if they want to get re-elected, they have to simultaneously maintain a residence in the state from which they were elected.

What state was Herbert Hoover living in when elected?

His home was in California. He was serving as Secretary of Commerce for Coolidge and so spent much time in Washington the year he was elected.

When was Washington elected?

In 1758,Washington was elected to the Virginia house of burgessess one of the colonies first representative governments. He was re-elected many times serving 15 years in all,but rarely spoke or introduced legislation,preferring to observe the positives and negatives

Was George Washington president more then one time?

George Washington was elected President of the United States twice, serving nearly 8 years as president.

How many senators are serving in the senate today?

100 senators

Who broke Washington's precedent of serving only two terms?

Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected three times, but died in his third term.

How many democratic senators are serving in the House of Representatives?

NONE senators serve in the senate

How many senators can north Carolina send to Washington?

EVERY state has exactly twosenators.

Who has two sons serving as state senators?

David Boren