

Who are Christians in turkey?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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around 2% of Turkey is of the Christian Faith.

A few specific example may be found at the Wikipedia page 'Conversions to Christianity'.

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Q: Who are Christians in turkey?
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In turkey who is involved when celebrating Christmas?

Only Christians in turkey celebrate christmas.

Where do most Christians live in Turkey?

Only one percent of Turkey is non Muslim. The christians are scattered in Istanbul, Izmir, Kayseri, Kars, and other cities.

Is Christmas celebrated in turkey and when?

Just Christians celelbrate it as "Christmas" in Turkey.Also Turkey has no special vacation for Christmas.

Why do christians eat turkey at Christmas?

because in the 16th centery turkey was introdused to England and king Henry the VIII was the first person to have turkey on Christmas. after a while it became fashion to have turkey at Christmas.

Who are the first Christians?

The Gentile followers of Paul in Antioch, Turkey. Acts11:26.

Who murdered thousands of Americans in turkey in 1915?

Thousands of Americans were not killed in Turkey in 1915. It was Armenians who were killed. The Turkish Army rounded up thousands of male Christians in Turkey and killed them. Turkey denied the killings of the Armenians.

When did Christmas start in Turkey?

It started long ago in the mid 1800's, but the people of Turkey had to celebrate Christmas secretly in order to not be killed because the majority of Turkey is either Islamic or Jewish, most of them are not christians.

What group did Turkey try to destroy during World War 1?

Armenian Christians saying they were revolutionaries

How do people in Turkey Celebrate Easter?

Only the Christians, a small minority , celebrate at home and in their church. No outward signs of Holiday celebrations are seen in Turkey.Turkey is a very heavily predominantly Muslim country.

How many country have no Christains?

There are several countries where Christianity is not the predominant religion, but there isn't a country with absolutely no Christians. Christianity has a global presence, with followers in almost every country in the world.

Why do Christians eat turkey?

As far as I know, no religion forbids eating turkey. The book of Leviticus in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible forbids the eating of certain foods, notably pork and shellfish, but few Christians follow these strictures. I don't believe that eating turkey is something that defines Christians. The Native Americans ate turkey. It is tradition that the first settlers in America ate turkey for their first Thanksgiving. Most of the first settlers to America were fleeing religious persecution in Europe. I know many Christians that don't like turkey!

What is the religious breakdown of Turkey?

The majority of people in Turkey are Muslim, with a large percentage adhering to Sunni Islam. Other religious minorities in the country include Alevism, Christianity (including Armenian Apostolic, Greek Orthodox, and Syriac Christians), and Judaism.