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Q: Who are Grover's rivals in The Lightning Thief?
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What are Grovers rivals from the Lighting thief Book?

Also Chiron, the Hunters of Artemis (kind of), and nymphs, also naiads or something like that.

Who are grovers rivals and allies?

Medusa, The Furies, Hades, and Luke.

What are some of annabeths rivals from The Lightning Thief?

I can only think of one,Hera(Zeus's wife and godess of marriage)

What is the complication of the story The Lightning Thief?

The crisis in the Lightning Thief is when the bolt was stolen from Olympus, which led on to the beginning of the Lightning Thief's story.

In the book Lightning Thief why does grovers dream sound hopeless to Percy?

Because saytrs have tried for 1,000s of years to find the god Pan. And none of them survived.Warning! Spoilers ahead!Grover found the god Pan in the fourth book.

What book is better between The Lightning Thief and the Alchemyst?

Lightning Thief

What is nerieds in The Lightning Thief?

the nerieds in the lightning thief are water spirits.

What started The Lightning Thief?

The author of the lightning thief is Rick Riordan

Who is the auother of Lightning Thief?

"The Lightning Thief" is written by Rick Riordan .

Who is clarrise in The Lightning Thief?

Claresse is the daughter of Ares in the lightning thief. BY THE BIGGEST LIGHTNING THIEF FAN IN THE UNIVERSE!!no, sorry, I'm a bigger fan. by far.Ares is the god of war, and a big villain in the lightning thief,

Who is the Lightning Thief in the book Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief?

Luke Castellan stole the lightning bolt