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Q: Who are all of the Greek and Roman gods?
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Related questions

What is a domed temple to all the Roman gods?

Pantheon. (Which is actually a Greek word for the Roman building.)

What gods or goddesses were related?

In Greek/Roman mythology, the gods are all an extended family.

Who was the third roman god?

the third roman god was neptune which is the roman version of poseidon. it could have been him or hades who is known as pluto. all of the roman gods are the same as the greek gods they just adapted them as their own. i can name all of the greek gods in roman form just in case the answer in worng.

Was Saturn greek or Roman?

If You are talking about greek an roman gods, it is roman.

Who is the Greek and Roman queen of the gods?

Hera(Greek) Juno(Roman)

Are gods a myth?

Greek and Roman gods are myths

What religion is when you believe in the greek and roman gods?

Ancient Helenism. Wiccans also worship Greek/Roman gods too.

What is the greek gods roman name?

It depends on which Greek/Roman god/goddess.

Who was Jupiter and Zeus?

Zeus was the king of the ancient Greek gods and Jupiter was the god of all gods in roman relgion.

What is the difference between the Roman gods and the Greek gods in The Lost Hero?

How they are perceived by the ancient people who worshiped them; the Greek gods as interactive and social, the Roman gods as remote and revered as gods and military.

What is Janus' the Roman god Greek name?

Janus, the Roman god of beginnings, transitions, and passages, does not have a direct counterpart in Greek mythology. However, he is sometimes associated with the Greek god Hermes due to their shared roles as guides and protectors of travelers.

What are the similarities between Greek and Roman gods?

Both Greek and Roman gods are the same in essence, but have different aspects. Roman gods were taken from Greek gods, but tend to be more warlike and disciplined. Just like the Greek and Roman cultures, the Roman gods were more warlike, disclipined and honorable. The Greek gods on the other hand, tended to merge into the more artistic creative side. However, the main similarity between Greek and Roman gods is simply this: They are both the gods of whatever they were in the other culture. For example, Hera from Greek myths, is still the goddess of marriage in her Roman aspect, or Juno. Another example is Aphrodite, she is still the goddess of love in her Roman aspect, Venus.