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Noble one: Carter

Noble two: Kat

Noble three: Emile

Noble four: Jun

Noble five: Jorge

Noble six: Unknown (because you play as him.)

And a bunch of marines of course

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Q: Who are all of the characters it halo?
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Look it up in the halopedia at It should list all human characters.

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Halo reach is a massive multiplayer edition of halo, incorporating halo 1 2 and 3 all into 1 matchmaking system. there will be all new characters and all new maps to choose from, the beta is expected to be released march 2010

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What happens when you combine all of the halo gens?

Given that the Halo Universe is just that, a complex fictional universe with fan-fiction, books, guides, characters, and many games, you could say that there aren't different "gens" of Halo. If there were "gens" of Halo, then it wouldn't follow a story-line as the franchise does, each game would simply be a revamped version of it's predecessor. But, if you combined all of the different games, which are different points in Halo's history, you would simply get the Halo storyline.

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Halo , or Restistance

What is the sing on Halo 3 commercial?

if the commercial u are talking about is the "believe" commercial with all of the sculptures of halo characters fighting then the song is "raindrop prelude" by Chopin. whereas if it is the official trailer then it is finish the fight by martin o'donnel