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Q: Who are five people who saw the risen lord Jesus?
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Words: "The Lord is risen indeed - " (Luke 24.34)

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John first recognized Jesus. (John 21:7) Therefore that disciple whom Jesus used to love said to Peter: "It is the Lord!" Hence Simon Peter, upon hearing that it was the Lord, girded about himself his top garment, for he was naked, and plunged into the sea.

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The lord of Jesus die for all people and he die for you and me because jesus love all the people. he for give you what you do bedding and what you do wrong thing but Jesus for give about what you do bad thing or wrong thing that why he die.

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Prayer Fasting Reading your Bible Telling others about Jesus Doing the lord's work

What kind of Lord is Jesus Christ?

Jesus is lord of lord and king of kings.

What is the song about the ressurrection of Christ?

It is Christ the lord has risen today.

Why are some people unwilling to believe that Jesus is Lord?

some people are unwilling to believe that Jesus is Lord because they serve other other gods and don't want to submit to God's authority