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Q: Who are more important women or men?
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What about equality among men and women in China?

Men were considered more important than women in China.

Are women more punctual than men?

Women are not more punctual than men. According to studies, men are actually more punctual than women. However, you will find both men, and women who find punctuality important, and those in both genders who do not.

Why is education important to woman then men?

Women mature more quickly so they know that education is important. Later on men do too but women have known it longer. The more they know it the more serious they become about it. Plus its just a women thing.

Are men more impotant than women?

Neither of them is more important than the other. They are equally important.

Men are more important than women?

No. Men and women need each other. The male of any species will not survive without the female, and vice versa.

Why are men more important than women in history?

They are not. They are more likely to be written about since more men were being taught and encouraged to write.

Do more women want to be men or more men want to be women?

men want to be women

Why are men seen as powerful and more important than women?

This perception is a result of historical and societal factors that have traditionally favored men in positions of power. It is important to challenge these stereotypes by promoting gender equality and recognizing the value of all individuals regardless of gender.

Where men more important in ancient Rome than women?

Men are more important only because they made themselves more important, by arrogating all power to themselves, and by subjugating women, they were the ones who both made history and wrote it.

Are there more men or women in Kansas?

there are more women than men 😏

What is reason that more women vote then men?

there are more women then men in america.

Are the population of men more than women?

Their are more women than men :)