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Q: Who are some of the refugees who have fled political or social tyranny and come to the United States in the recent decades?
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Donald Harnish Fleming has written: 'The Intellectual migration' -- subject(s): Civilization, Emigration and immigration, Europe, Foreign influences, Intellectuals, Political refugees, Refugees, Political, United States

Who held political power in greek city states?

Depended on the form of government - monarchy, oligarchy, tyranny or democracy.

What is the advantage of a Federal system?

To prevent Tyranny. To give authority to the people. To encourage political participation. The states are testing grounds for policies.

What does this meanAll having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these states mean?

Something like this: All who attempt to get exclusive power over people in states (kind of political dictatorship)

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Nicholas E. Reynolds has written: 'Skillful Show Of Strength' -- subject(s): Civic action, Foreign service, History, Operations other than war, Political refugees, Refugee camps, Refugees, United States, United States. Marine Corps

Who are some of the refugees who have fled political or social tyranny and come to the United states?

The most prominent names among refugees who have seen success in the US are in arts and entertainment. Among them are - Jackie Chan, who fled Hong Kong to escape death threats from the triads - Fritz Lang, famous cartoonist and film director, who was a Holocaust refugee - Jerry Springer, TV show host, whose parents also fled the Holocaust - Rachel Weisz has spent most of her life in the UK but is a US citizen. Her parents were Jewish refugees to Britain. - Billy Wilder, film director and writer, was also a Holocaust refugee - Andy Garcia, well-known film actor, is a refugee to the US from Cuba

How does the constitution guards against tyranny?

it used four guards against tyranny which include checks and balances Federalism big states VS. small states separation of powers

Some states demanded what to prevent tyranny?

Bill of Rights

Where have hundreds of thousands of Syria refugees fled to?

united states

What was added to the constitution to prevent tyranny?

the 3 braches big states vs. small states

When did the US turn away jewish refugees?

The United States turned away Jewish children refugees during WWII in 1939.

What type of refugees are Baba and Amir?

Baba and Amir are Afghan refugees who flee to the United States to escape the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.