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These are the first heroes that come to mind, although there are countless unsung heroes, I will always remember Pat Tillman (football great who went to war instead of fame, then died honoring his country). Captain Sullivan "Sully" who was wise enough and educated himself enough and was cool enough under pressure to land the jet with over 100 passengers in the Hudson river safely). The names Todd Beamer, CeeCee Lyles, Tom Burnett, Sandra Bradshaw, Jeremy Glick, Mark Bingham (all flight 93 9-11 heroes according to reports of their phone calls and courageous efforts to stop the hijackers from that fateful day), may we never forget their names and the courage of these strong people, again, may we never forget their names... I'm sure there were more, they are not to be forgotten. Additionally, pick any of the names of the heroes on the flights 11, 77 & 175 on September 11 2001, or any of the over 300 firefighters killed at the WTC or the numerous that survived, pick any name from the list of dead or survived police offers and fire-fighters from the WTC or Pentagon on that day.

More recently, the Frenchman on vacation who saved the little girl "baby Bridget" who fell in the East river in NY in April of this year, this man is a hero. My son Jacob who has survived at least 12 spinal surgeries from Spina Bifoda and walks despite paralysis in his lower leg. My other son Cody who survived a brutal beating at the hands of his father suffering learning delays and numerous set backs and me, his mom who fought, risking her life and sacrificing years to protect him. Hope this list helps.

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