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Q: Who are the American paint horses enemies?
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Related questions

What geographical locations are American paint horses found?

American Paint horses are found in all geographical locations.

What is the personality of paint horses?

I have an American paint and she is sweet and calm

What are thoughs horses called?

American Paint, I think. Or American Mustang.

Are pinto horses or American paint horses endangered?

no they are very popular, especailly paints.

Where do American paint horses live and what are their predators?

American Paint Horses are a distinct breed that can be registered with the American Paint Horse Association (APHA) and are found for the most part in North America, but can be found elsewhere around the world due to export for reining and western riding pursuits.The American Paint horse is not to be mistaken for a pinto, which is any breed or mix of breeds with a pinto pattern.

What is a horses natural enemies?

Horses antural enemies are pretdators

What are american paint horses used for?

Showing, Racing, Breeding, and Pleasure Riding.

What does apha stand for?

In horses, APHA stands for American Paint Horse Association.

What are the uses for Paint horses?

Today Paint horses are used for pleasure, breeding/improving the breed, companionship, show, and sometimes even used in movies such as Hidalgo and used in Native American cerimonies.

Do horses have enimies?

No. I do not think that horses have enemies. If they do, I think it is probably a wild horse to have most of enemies.

Where do American painted horses live?

American Paint Horse's live everywhere in the world. They originated in the American Plains, and were used by Native Amercians. They are called "the Soul of Indians" or "Indian's Son/Daughter" Amercian Paint Horses were captured by Britans, and sent all over the world when they raiding the Native Amercians. Now they make great show horses, or pasture pets!

What kind of fur does the american paint horse eat?

horses - of any kind - don't eat fur