

Best Answer

There are 12 main gods and goddesses (called Olympians) and the amount of the minor gods is uncountable.

The 12 Olympians are:

Zeus - god of the sky and ruler of the gods

Hera - goddess of family

Poseidon - god of the sky

Hades - god of the underworld and precipitation

Demeter - goddess of crops and farming

Ares - God of War

Hermes - god of thieves and the messenger god

Aphrodite - goddess of beauty

Athena (or Athene) - goddess of architecture

Dionysus - god of wine

Apollo - god of the sun, poetry and medicine

Artemis- goddess of hunting

Correct answer: (by Amina)

Poseidon: god of the sea!

Athena: goddess of wisdom!

adding to that (mishellyo)

hera: marriage, starry constellations

poseidon: horses

hades: death and afterlife

demeter: agriculture

hermes: travellers and sheperding

aphrodite: love

dionysus: festivities (parties) and drunken orgies

apollo: light, plague, healing, music

artemis: maidenhood, the hunt

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Q: Who are the Greek gods and what are they the god's of?
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