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The Roman deities were largely based on the Greek Pantheon, with some notable exceptions. I'll name them here with their Greek counterparts (if any) and any differences.

Jupiter/Jove - Zeus

Juno - Hera - Unlike Hera, who was primarily a matronly deity to the Greeks, Juno was patroness of the Emipre, along with Jupiter. As such, she assimiliated Athena's warlike qualities and was often depcted wearing a goatskin, akin to Athena's Aegis (which literally means goat skin, as in the covering of a shield).

Minerva - Athena - Unlike her Greek counterpart, Minerva had nothing at all to do with war. She was the goddess of wisdom, needlecraft and commerce to the Romans. Unlike Athena, who was attributed as having a mother, who Zeus swallowed whole while pregnant, Minerva was represented as having only Jupiter as a parent.

Mars - Ares - While Ares was only sparsely worshiped in Greece, Mars was one of the principal deities in Rome, and a patron of the city itself (as Romulus and Remus were said to have been his children). It was even said that Mars rode into battle with the Romans on occasion.

Sol - Helios

Apollo - Apollo

Luna - Selene

Diana - Artemis

Vesta - Hestia - while the goddess of the hearth's role didn't change much, her importance did. The Greeks held little value in family, considering tribal bonds to be much stronger than those of individual families. In Rome, though, family was incredibly important, to the point of ancestor worship. So the family hearth was incredibly important to the Romans. The fire at the temple of Vesta was only extinguished once from the time of the building of the temple (during the reigns of the kings), until 394 AD, when pagan worship was abolished by Theodosius I.

Ceres - Demeter

Pluto - Hades - Pluto is the Latinization of one of Hades Greek names, Plouton. In Rome the lord of the dead was originally called Orcas (which was their name fo the underworld) and the lord of the underworld was Dis Pater.

Mercury - Hermes

Janus - only existed in Rome and was the god of beginnings and doorways. When invoking multiple gods, Janus was always mentioned first.

Lares and Penates - only worshiped in Rome. These were the households gods.

Bacchus - Dionysus

Venus - Aphrodite

Vulcan - Hephaestos

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some romen gods and goddesses are zues, hera,aphrodite,Athena,hades,Hermes,dione,krones,hephaestus,ares,eros,Paris,Helen, and menelaus.

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