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Q: Who are the ancestors of the Aztec?
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Related questions

How do you know if you are a Aztec or Mayan?

If you are Aztec that means that your ancestors were born and lived in the heart of Mexico. If you are Mayan that means that your ancestors lived more south of Mexico.

Why was Aztec mythology so complicated?

The Aztec's mythology consisted of gods from their earlier ancestors, ones they created themselves, and the gods of tribes they conquered.

Where were the modern Aztec ancestors found?

hey were found in the valleys, lakes and mountains of the central America

Are Aztec homes around still?

Aztec homes are still around but they are generally preserved as site seeing places. Most modern day Aztecs live in the cities, but there are a minority of the Aztec people that live in the underdeveloped parts of Mexico and live similarly to their ancestors.

Were sandia people Indians?

The Sandia People are Native American Indians who trace their ancestors back to the Aztec of South America.

Which months of the Aztec Calendar were devoted to the dead?

The ninth and tenth months of the Aztec calendar, known as Etzalcualiztli and Tecuilhuitontli, were devoted to the dead. During these months, the Aztecs honored and remembered their ancestors with rituals and offerings.

What do Aztec sun tattoos symbolize?

Generally these are tattoos that are worn by Mexicans or Mexican Americans as a way to acknowledge their ancestors and as a matter of racial pride.

What were these Aztec structures used for?

The Aztec structures, such as temples and ceremonial pyramids, were primarily used for religious and ceremonial purposes. They were sites for offerings, rituals, and ceremonies to honor their gods and ancestors. Additionally, some structures were used as administrative centers or for astronomical observations.

Is Aztec considered Mexican?

Yes, the Aztecs were a civilization that existed in what is now central Mexico. They are considered part of Mexican history and culture.

What do you think is the legacy of the Aztec people on modern day Mexicans?

i think that they think and look toward them as great people and respect their ancestors greatly an dgrief sorrow for the death the europeans caused them

What empire Tenochtitlan as its capital?

the aztec empire

Was Quetzalcoatl Mayan or Aztec?
