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The audience for satire pieces are individuals who appreciate humor, wit, and irony, as well as those who are knowledgeable about current events and social issues. Satire often appeals to those who enjoy critical thinking and are open to examining familiar topics in a new, exaggerated light.

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Q: Who are the audience for satire pieces?
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What does satire do to the audience?

it ...

What does the main character in satire help the audience see?

A problem with society

Why is the context important in satire?

Context is important in satire because it helps the audience understand the social or political issues being criticized. Satire relies on this understanding to effectively convey its message and humor. Without contextual knowledge, the purpose and message of the satire may be lost or misunderstood.

Why might authors use satire?

To anger or outrage the audience in order to force them to take action

Why might a author use satire?

To anger or outrage the audience in order to force them to take action

What does the main character in a satire help the audience see?

The main character in a satire typically helps the audience see the flaws, follies, or absurdities of society, individuals, or situations. Through the exaggerated or comedic behavior of the main character, the audience is often encouraged to reflect on and critique the underlying issues being satirized.

Why is proposal considered to be juvenile satire?

A proposal is considered juvenile satire because it often relies on exaggerated humor, lampooning societal norms or institutions in a simplistic or unsophisticated manner. Such satire typically lacks depth and complexity, appealing more to a younger or less discerning audience.

Why did Erasmus use satire?

Erasmus used satire to criticize corrupt practices within the Catholic Church and society at large, in order to inspire moral and ethical reform. Satire allowed Erasmus to present his critiques in a clever and entertaining way that could potentially spark change in his audience's perspectives and behavior.

What were some of the targets of Juvenal's satires?

Juvenal satire is often considered the harshest type of satire, as it attempts to provoke an angry reaction from the audience aimed at the subject. All attempts at humor are disposed of and the biting remarks and harsh barbs come to the forefront of the remarks. targets of juvenal satire are often social vices, individuals, companies, and organizations.

Why might an author use satire?

to enetain people during dificult times

What is the best reason the faults are exaggerated in a satire?

Exaggerating faults in a satire helps to highlight and criticize societal issues or human behavior in a humorous and engaging way. By amplifying flaws and shortcomings, satirists can draw attention to important issues and prompt reflection and change in their audience.

How do you use satire in a sentence?

Satire is used as sarcasm, sometimes crude and often mistaken as constructive criticism. Satire is also a sort of irony and misleading. A book on this subject is 'Introduction to Satire' by Leonard Feinberg.Example Sentences:Jon Stewart is a master of political satire.My satire was wasted on the instructor.Is that parody a satire on current events?Television's M*A*S*H* was a Vietnam War era satire set in Korea two decades earlier.Answer:Television's M*A*S*H* was a Vietnam war era satire set in Korea two decades earlier.