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Immortals">ImmortalsGods and Goddesses

Poseidon-god of the sea and father of the cyclops Polyphemus

Athena-goddess of war and who helps Odysseus throughout his quest. Often appears as Mentor.

Helios-sun god, who own the golden cattle of Helios.

Zeus-most powerful god

Hermes-messenger god

Hades-god of the underworld

Persephone-Wife of Hades

Apollo-god of poetry, music, prophecy, medicine, and Archery

Aphrodite-goddess of love

Lesser Gods

Calypso-kept Odysseus on her island.

Circe-turned Odysseus's men into pig.


Charybdis-female monster who creates whirlpools

Scylla-female monster with six serpent heads; ate six of Odysseus's men

Mortal charactersOdysseus- main character

Telemachus-son of Odysseus

Penelope-Odysseus's wife

Polyphemus-cyclops blinded by Odysseus, son of Poseidon

Alcinous-king of Phaeacia

Nausicaa-princess of Phaecia


Laërtes-father of Odysseus


Antinous-The loudest most obnoxious suitor







Eurymachus-Whom begs for the suitor's lives



Eumaeus-The swineherd who support Odysseus

Euryclea-Odysseus's old nurse

Melanthius-The goatherd who supports the suitors


Teiresias-blind Theban prophet who helped Odysseus

Agamemnon-Greek King, killed by treachery

Odysseus' mother


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Some of the main characters in The Odyssey include Odysseus, Penelope, Telemachus, Athena, Poseidon, Circe, and the Cyclops Polyphemus.

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Q: Who are the characters in The Odyssey?
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The Odyssey, is the sequel to the Iliad following Odysseus's adventures home.The Odyssey is the sequel to The Iliad. The Odyssey is the story of Odysseyus' journey home from Troy to Ithica. The sequel shares some of the same characters like Odysseyus for example. He is also the one who came up with the idea of the Trojan Horse that ultimately one the war against Troy for the Greeks.

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There were Cyclops, Odysseus, Odysseus's men, Poseidon and there are so many characters.

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The modern day use of the word mentor shows that?

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