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The vice president does not run for office in the primary or general election. He is selected by the Presidential candidate to be a running mate. The Executive Branch consists of the President, Vice President and Cabinet. The Cabinet members are appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. Therefore, the only elected official in the Executive Branch is the President.

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Q: Who are the current elected member of the executive branch?
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What stops one branch of the government from being too powerful?

Checks and balance, separation of power. See: Executive branch, Legislative branch, Judicial branch. ____________________________________ However, this system only works when the other two branches of government use their OWN powers to prevent the out-of-control branch from amassing power. For example, if the Executive branch tries to claim too much power, the Legislature has the power to impeach and remove the executive branch member who is out of control. Impeachment was never intended to be reserved for obviously criminal activities, but also for unconstitutional abuses of power. Impeachment is an inherently POLITICAL act. The power of impeachment has been re-interpreted so narrowly that it is essentially nullified.

The cabinet departments in the US government are included in which branch of government?

The Cabinet is what is known as the appointed Secretaries or Ministers responsible for various aspects of the Government of the ruling Party. In a democracy, an elected policitcal party may have many Members of Parliament representing it, often 200 or more- but it is the Prime Minister's choice who should be in charge of Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Energy, Justice, Social Security, the Environment, and so on. He or she, along with their advisers, decide upon who best to choose as the most suitable and fitting persons to fill these jobs. They all belong to the ruling Party, but it is they who have the final word upon decisions related to their mandate. It can best be described as a 'ruling Council within the elected Party', if that makes any sense- in an extreme situation, the Prime Minister CAN sack or dismiss a member of his Cabinet, but this would not be without questions or people asking 'Why'? Harold MacMillan did this in '61 because he was paranoid that some of his Cabinet members were plotting to unseat him, but it certain;y created a storm in both Parliament and th media.

How old must one be to be elected to the Texas House of Representatives?

You must be 21 years old in order to become a member of the Texas House of Representatives. To be elected to the Texas Senate you must be at least 26 years old.

How many Native Americans in the US Senate?

I know of only two current Native Americans in state or federal political offices. Scott Big Horse is a State Representative in Oklahoma, and a member of the Osage and Cherokee nations. Tom Cole is a US Representative from Oklahoma and is a member of the Chickasaw Nation. Several other past politicians have been members of Native American tribes.

What is to redistrict?

A political unit such as a state is divided into districts for the purpose of electing representatives to a legislative body. If the basis of election is population, with equal number of people represented by each elected member, the boundaries of the district must be changed after each census if the population changes. This is called redistricting (drawing new district boundaries).

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How many terms do an elected member of the Executive branch serve?

4 years

Members of the executive branch of Arizona government are elected for how many terms?

Each member of congress is elected by the people of his/her state. Each member of congress is elected by the people of his/her state.

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checks and balances

A member of the United States congress must resign from congress if elected or appointed to a position in the executive or judicial branch. This requirements is an example of?

Conflict of interest

Who is the top member of the executive branch?

The President is the head of the executive branch. Currently, thet is Barrack Obama

What do you have to do to become a member of the executive branch?


Is the leader of the House of Representatives an appointed cabinet member?

No. The leader (Speaker) of the House of Representatives is elected by members of the House who, in turn, are elected by the voters in their congressional districts. The President appoints cabinet members to serve in the Executive Branch of government; the House of Representatives is in the Legislative Branch.

What branch of government does condeleeza rice work for?

The Secretary of State is a member of the Executive Branch.

What branch has a jury member?

that would be the judical not executive or legislative

How old do you have to be to be a member of the executive branch?

30 Years of Age

Which statement best describes a difference between presidential and parliamentary democracies?

Apex The members of the legislative branch are directly elected by the people

What is Barack Obama a member of?

He is a member of the Democratic Party, a member of the Christian (Protestant) religion, and a member of the Executive Branch of the government.