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The first human created by Allah was Adam PBUH then his wife Eve.

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Q: Who are the first humans according to Quran?
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Who came first Ibrahim or Noah according to Quran?

Noah came first duhhh

Who is the first Haafiz of the Quran?

The Holy Prophet P.B.U.H was the first Haafiz of Quran.

Which country is print Quran first?

The first copy of the Quran was printed in Hamburg in 1113.

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What is the date of end of the world according to quran?

according to quran only Allah know the real date , but there only flags quran tell us about and some the prophet Muhammad tell us about .

What is dua according to quran?

It is the supplication to Allah

Why do Muslims the read the quranorkarn?

Quran i think so.. Quran is a source of knowlege.. Its on everything and it also show the way to live life on earth..!! Suppose Humans are machines & quran is it user manual..

What was Prophet Muhammad's after discovering the Quran?

First of all Quran wasn't discovered. Quran is Allah's word revealed to the prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him who became a prophet after just when receiving the first revelations of the holy Quran.

Has the Bible or the Quran been printed more?

The bible has not only out printed the quran , but the bible has sold much more then the quran according to the Guinnes sbook of records.

What was the name of the first population of humans?

Adam and Eve, according to the bible.

What is Islamic law based on?

according to Quran and Sunnah

Why are translations of the quran called translations instead of just being called the quran?

according to Islam Quran is word of God and has many layers of meaning. and by translation only the first layer of Quran can be translated. also Quran has the knowledge of past and future and many scientific predictions and many wonders and has very beautiful music when reciting and any more information that can not be transferred by translation. and the translator can not translate the Quran in such a way that translation contain all knowledge of Quran. Muslims believe: Quran comparing other books is like God comparing human.