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Giant Pandas have very few predators. Humans are their primary predators, though animals such as leopards are also predators mostly of cubs. The largest threat to them though is not predators, but habitat loss.

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Q: Who are the giant pandas natural enemies?
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Are pandas omnivores?

Taxonomically speaking, giant pandas are bears which means they are classified as carnivores. Behaviorally speaking, giant pandas are almost exclusively herbivorous although they will eat bird eggs and fish sometimes, if they are easily available.

Do giant pandas have backbones?

Yes, all Pandas have backbones. All mammals are vertebrates: have a backbone. Pandas are definitely mammals (have fur/hair, birth live young, are warm-blooded.) QED Pandas have back bones.

What is the natural enemy of the ghost?

Since ghosts do not exist in nature, they do not have natural enemies. However, maybe they have supernatural enemies.

What is the difference between a giant panda and a koala?

Giant Pandas are bears, and placental mammals, and koalas are not. Koalas are marsupials, and are not related to bears in any way. They are not "koala bears" - just "koalas".Giant Panda young are called cubs and koalas young are called joeys.Giant Pandas' cubs are born far more developed than koala joeys. Koala joeys are about the size of a bean when born, and must complete their development in the mother's pouch.Koalas live almost exclusively on gum (eucalyptus) leaves and, occasionally, flowers. Pandas live on bamboo shoots and other vegetation.Koalas are much smaller than Giant pandas.Koalas are essentially grey in colour; Giant pandas are distinctively black and white.Koalas are endemic to Australia alone, meaning they are found only on the Australian continent. Giant Pandas are endemic to parts of Asia.

Can giant pandas come in different colours?

Of cause they can't They just come in black and white

Related questions

What do the enemies of a giant panda do?

Giant pandas are the largest animals in their habitat so actually have no "enemies."

What is a giant panda's natural predator?

Adult pandas are the largest animal in their habitat and have no natural enemies except for man who continues to destroy the bamboo forests.

Does a panda have any natural enemies?

Adult pandas have no natural enemies, other than humans.

What are Giant Pandas enemies?

Only Man and mainly by habitat destruction.

Who are the enemies of a giant panda?

The main enemy of a Panda is man. But, leopardsare also a danger to Pandas, for they eat their young.

By what do pandas get eaten?

Giant pandas do not have any natural predators in the wild. Their only enemy is man.

How does mankind have and effect on giant pandas?

the cutting down of the pandas natural habitat which being the Forrest is what is causing pandas being endangered.

What are pandas enemies?

Pandas enemies are man kind.

What are the natural enemies of the panda bear?

Adult pandas are the largest animal in their habitat and have no natural enemies except for man who continues to destroy the bamboo forests.

Do giant pandas live in Jordan?

Not unless they are in a zoo; the natural habitat is in China.

How endangered are giant pandas?

There are two major reasons for why giant pandas are endangered. These are that they have low birth rates, and their natural habitats are being destroyed.

What are baby pandas predators?
