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Iris served Hera.

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Q: Who are the goddesses Iris allies?
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Is Iris related to Athena?

They are both Greek goddesses but are not related.

Is Iris the goddess of the rainbow included in the list of the Greek gods and goddesses?

There isn't really a set 'list' of Greek gods and goddesses. There are countless gods and goddesses in Greek mythology. However, Iris is definitely considered one of them.

Gods and goddesses that start with I?

Isis (Egyptian) Iris (Greek)

What talents did Iris the goddess have?

Iris could travel swiftly by using the rainbow. She was a messenger for the Greek gods and goddesses.

Who were some of the the main gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt?

horus iris

Who are friends of goddess Iris?

Hera must have taken with her, as Iris is her handmaiden and messenger; for her part Iris is one of the few goddesses to never gain the attentions of Zeus.

Who was iris's husband in Greek mythology?

no one, iris never married. in fact i think she was one of the three virgin goddesses!

Who is iris in the tempest?

To celebrate Miranda's engagement, Prospero conjures up a masque with different Roman goddesses, including Iris, goddess of dawn.

What did Iris do with MT Olympus?

Iris was a Greek goddess that delivered messages with for the Greek gods especially Hera. Many of the gods and goddesses lived on Mt. Olympus.

Were Iris and Hermes friends?

As Hermes was a Greek God and the messenger of the Gods he was probably on at least speaking terms with all of the Greek Gods. I would say he was probably friends with most of the Gods and Goddesses as he was the herald/messenger.

Who was the greek god iris's allies?

Iris is the messenger of Hera, Queen of Heaven, so most would do as she wished for the sake of peace with Hera.

What did the goddess iris do that was nice?

Deliver messages for the Olympian gods and goddesses; also being the personification of the rainbow with is pleasing visually.