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The major prophets are:

Isaiah Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Daniel

The minor prophets are:

Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah haggai Zechariah Malachi

The minor prophets are called the minor prophets because the lives of the prophets were more obscure and their writings were shorter not because they were less important.

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Q: Who are the major prophets in the old testaments and how did they become a major prophet?
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Who are the two major prophets in the old testament?

The major prophets in the bible are Isaiah, Daniel, Samuel, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Note that Samuel is not considered a "major prophet" by most scholars and Daniel is not part of the Major Prophet books in the Hebrew Bible.

What is one of the Old Testament prophets?

The prophet Isaiah is a major prophet in the old testament.

How can a prophet be determined if major or minor?

Major Prophets have more chapters in the books of inspired, canonical sacred Scripture that bear their respective names. Each Minor Prophet has fewer chapters in his book that any Major Prophet has. Isaiah, for example, was a Major Prophet, whereas Micah was a Minor Prophet. The Major Prophets were Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel; the other twelve were Minor Prophets. (Daniel, Baruch, and Lamentations fit in neither category.)

How can a prophet be determined if its major or minor?

Major prophets are just longer books. Minor prophet means that the book is shorter.

Why is Lamentations called a major prophet?

Lamentations is often grouped with the major prophets in the Hebrew Bible because of its length and thematic importance. It is considered a major work due to its profound reflections on the destruction of Jerusalem and the suffering of the Israelites, making it a significant contribution to prophetic literature.

Which prophets are not major Hosea Ezekiel Isiah or Jeremiah?

Of the lot of prophets mentioned Hosea is a minor prophet.

Where you first hear about prophets?

The great man Samuel was the first prophet, that is both a major or a minor prophet.

What does it mean to be a major prophet in the bible?

The major prophets are those whose books are longer and considered more prominent than the minor prophets.

Who is the major prophet of the christen people?

The major prophets are Isaiah , deaniel, Samuel, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.

What is a mojor Prophet?

I believe you mean a major prophet. Whether a prophet is "major" or "minor" has to deal with the amount of writing they produced. Major prophets (like Isaiah or Jeremiah) wrote a lot, whereas minor prophets (like Baruch and others) wrote very little. It has nothing to do with how much work or how much good the prophet did.

How mine major prophet in the bible?

There are 5 major prophets in the bible, they were Isaiah , Jeremiah, Daniel, Samuel, Ezekiel.

Who is the last of the Hebrew Judges and the first of the major prophets?

The last of the Hebrew Judges is Samuel. He is considered the first of the major prophets because he played a significant role in anointing and advising the first two kings of Israel, Saul and David.