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Q: Who are the only people allowed to order government buildings to fly their flag at half staff?
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Who can order the flag to beset at half staff on government buildings?

For State Government buildings the Governor can and in Michigan every time a Michigan citizen loses their life in the Iraq or Afghanistan Military conflict the flags are ordered Half Staff . It depends on whether you are talking Federal buildings

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He was order to take over important government buildings that belong to the German state government in Munich.

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They allowed to conduct foreign trade to keep the influence of outsiders to a minimum.

Which system allowed the US President to remove foreign residents he thouhgt were a theat to the government?

An Executive Order.

When Austalian national security act of 1939?

The Australian National Security Act of 1939 went into effect on September 9, 1939. This act allowed for the Australian government to order the people to do certain jobs for the defense of the country. It also allowed for the passing of hasty laws to protect the people in emergency situations.

How did the teaching of Confucius affect the Chinese government?

They allowed more young worthy men to be able to get spots in the government. he made a test that you would have to pass in order to get in to the government. that way no dummies would be there. he also changed it so that in order to be in the government you would have to be able to read.

Is state allowed to tax?

The state is a government entity and all of them have to be allowed to tax in some method to collect income in order to be able to function otherwise it could not exist.

What was the name of the government act signed by Roosevelt that essentially allowed for the internment of Japanese Americans?

Executive Order 9066

How did the government?

Government was set up by the people to protect their rights as individuals and to keep order

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It's allowed to marry people from other countries. It is not allowed to do it in order to enter the country though.

How did the government begin?

Government was set up by the people to protect their rights as individuals and to keep order

How did government begin?

Government was set up by the people to protect their rights as individuals and to keep order