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Q: Who are the people who seek spiritual truth through yoga and meditation?
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Tat. Wei has written: 'An exposition of the holy arctic canon regarding eternal truth and ultimate reality =' -- subject(s): Meditation, Reality, Spiritual life, Tao, Truth

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Can you actually get superpower from meditation?

Meditation can make us realize the Truth. Meditation can make us experience God in the temple of our heart, meditation can make us activate our super conscious which can communicate with the universe. Therefore yes, meditation can create a power which can be considered as a super power. But that is not the purpose of meditation. People who are trying to find a super power are running an illusory race of achievement, and they will never attain any super power - ultimately they will suffer. The way to go beyond all this is to meditate to realize we are the Divine Soul, by contemplating the Truth. We should not strive to get power which we will finally leave behind, but to use the power within to become the Divine that we actually are.

How did religion influence Guru Nanak?

He was inspired by a powerful spiritual experience that gave him a vision of the true nature of God, and confirmed his idea that the way to spiritual growth was through meditation and through living in a way that reflected the presence of the divine within each human being.

What did transcendentalism emphasize?

Transcendentalism emphasized the importance of individual intuition, self-reliance, and a deep connection to nature. It encouraged people to seek spiritual truth through personal experience and inner reflection, rather than relying on organized religion or societal norms.

Why did Sojourner Truth change her name?

Sojourner Truth changed her name to reflect her spiritual journey of seeking truth and understanding her purpose in life. It was symbolic of her commitment to living authentically and standing up for her beliefs.

What is Satsang?

Visit for more details..= What is Satsang? =Satsang has three meanings:'Sat' means 'truth'. 'Sang' means 'communion'. Our communion with the truth, our attunement to the truth. That is real Satsang. 'Sang' with 'Sat'.The second meaning is to be in the company of those who have realized the truth (Sat-Purushas).And the third significance is the company of like-minded people in which we are sharing and discussing with ardent devotion about truth.We have to do Satsang in all the three ways.When we are alone with ourselves we do the first type, thinking about truth and about what we really need.Whenever we have an opportunity we have to meet and take the guidance and blessing of those who have realized the truth.Thirdly, if it is not possible to be in the company of saints we have to associate ourselves with like-minded people, sit together and discuss about truth and Sat-Purushas.This is Satsang.There is no need to create an organization. Let it be most informal: reading, singing Bhajans, meditating and sharing together. Let emotional attachment, connectedness and friendship grow with like-minded people.Try to transform your social contacts into spiritual contacts. Share! Try to talk to others in their own way, in the way that they can understand, in the way of human experience, and not in abstract philosophical terminology.

What has the author Amritananda Das written?

Amritananda Das has written: 'Planning or totalitarianism?' -- subject(s): Addresses, essays, lectures, Economic policy 'Economic progress towards a new semantics' -- subject(s): Economic development, Economic indicators

How does turning from spiritual truth result in spiritual darkness?

by turning from spiritual truth, we are infact rejecting God's perfect plan for us, which is to live in loving, father-child, relationship with him. Without Jesus in our hearts and lives, there is no 'light'. if you think about it, darkness itself is not a thing, but merely the abscence of light. if you apply this to spirituality, with the abscence of God the father as the light, there is spiritual darkness...

How do you unlock your spirit guide?

regular meditation, learning to astral travel could help. Search the truth,it is the way to everything.

He words which I speak to you they are spirit and they are?

The words spoken are spiritual in nature and contain deeper meaning or significance. They hold power to inspire, guide, and transform individuals through their inherent truth and wisdom.

What is the name of the demon that won't let people sit still in church?

Biblically speaking, I am not aware that such a spiritual person exists. This may be more folklore than Biblical truth.