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All those impacted by the success or failure of the business: stockholders, officers, employees, customers, suppliers and joint venture partners. And, to an extend, the general public and their governments.

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Q: Who are the stakeholders in a business organization?
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Examples of stakeholders?

Stakeholders include vendors, customers, shareholders and employees. Anyone who is interested in seeing the business succeed is a stakeholder for the organization.

What are the characteristics of corporate image?

Reputation, basically it is how people/clients/stakeholders perceived us as an organization, business etc.

Who are the business stakeholders?

Stakeholders in a business are any entity that is effected by the operations of that business in some way. The most obvious stakeholders are employees, owners, and customers. Other stakeholders are indirect stakeholders such as competitors, the neighborhood the business is in, the government, and the environment.

Why identification of stakeholders is necessary for Business organisations?

Stakeholders in an organization should be identified to establish a foundation in the project early in regard to planning, executing, and monitoring processes to achieve project success.

Who are the orgasnization's stakeholder?

Person, group, or organization that has direct or indirect stake in an organization because it can affect or be affected by the organization's actions, objectives, and policies. Key stakeholders in a business organization include creditors, customers, directors, employees, government (and its agencies), owners (shareholders), suppliers, unions, and the community from which the business draws its resources. Although stake-holding is usually self-legitimizing (those who judge themselves to be stakeholders are de facto so), all stakeholders are not equal and different stakeholders are entitled to different considerations. For example, a firm's customers are entitled to fair trading practices but they are not entitled to the same consideration as the firm's employees.

What are the different type of stakeholders in a business?

Stakeholders in a business include:stock holders or ownersemployeescustomerssuppliersneighborslenders (of financial resources)

What is internal and external stakeholder?

someone outside the business who provide or use the services given eg customers, society, governemnt, unions and suppliers.Entities such as customers, suppliers, lenders, or the wider society which influence and are influenced by an organization but are not its 'internal part' x

Who are the stakeholders in a business?

The stakeholders in a business are any group that are interested in the success of the business such as: the owners, managers, suppliers and most of all the customers.

Identify external stakeholders of a business?

external stakeholders of a business are government, local, community, pressure, groups and the media.

How do three primary stakeholders capital market organizational product market influence the organization?

1. Capital market stakeholders 2. Product market stakeholders and 3.Organizational stakeholders

What is business continuity management?

Business Continuity Management is a principle of managing the whole organization and identifying all potential threats that might affect the business, and building an infrastructure to withstand and mitigate those risks to protect the company and it's stakeholders.

Who are the stakeholders of a small business?

Stakeholders of any business are people affected by the decisions the particular business makes. It can be the owners, employees, customers, suppliers, people living in the area...