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Q: Who are the stakeholders of curriculum?
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What are the roles of stakeholders in the curriculum implementation?


2 What specific principle of curriculum development justifies the importance of cooperation and collaboration among all stakeholders of the school?

The principle of democratic decision-making justifies the importance of cooperation and collaboration among all stakeholders in curriculum development. In a democratic process, involving all stakeholders ensures diverse perspectives are considered, leading to more inclusive and effective curriculum outcomes. Collaboration fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to the curriculum, enhancing its relevance and impact.

What specific principle of curriculum development justifies the importance of cooperation among stakeholders?


What do you mean by the word stakeholders in curriculum implementation?

Stakeholders in curriculum implementation refer to individuals or groups who have a vested interest in the design, development, and delivery of the curriculum. This can include teachers, students, parents, administrators, policymakers, and community members. Involving stakeholders in the curriculum implementation process ensures that the curriculum meets the needs and goals of those it is designed to serve.

Who are other stakeholders in implementing the curriculum?

Apart from teachers and students as stakeholders in curriculum implementation, other stakeholders include among others are: Parents Principals/headmasters/headmistress Government School board Inspectors Publishing house Community(mosque, church) Ministry of Education Non-Governmental Organisation(NGOs) In a nut-shell, a stakeholder is a person who in one way or the other contribute or benefit from the curriculum development and implementation.

What is curriculum forecasting?

Curriculum forecasting is a process where educational institutions predict and plan for future trends, needs, and developments in curriculum design and delivery. It involves analyzing data, research, and input from stakeholders to inform decision-making about what should be included in the curriculum to prepare students for the future.

Who should plan the curriculum?

Curriculum planning is typically led by educators, curriculum specialists, and school administrators who work collaboratively to design a comprehensive and effective educational program. It is important for curriculum planning to be inclusive, drawing on input from various stakeholders such as teachers, students, parents, and community members to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs and goals of the learners.

What is inclusive practise in regard to Childcare setting?

The inclusive practice in regard to Childcare setting is an all inclusive curriculum that will bring all the stakeholders together.

What are the similarities between tyler and taba curriculum model?

Both the Tyler and Taba curriculum models emphasize the importance of systematic planning and organization of curriculum development. They both focus on the need for clear objectives and outcomes to guide the teaching and learning process. Additionally, both models stress the importance of collaboration between educators and stakeholders in designing and implementing the curriculum.

What are the factors influencing curriculum items?

Factors influencing curriculum items include educational goals, academic standards, teacher expertise, student needs and interests, available resources, societal expectations, technological advancements, and feedback from stakeholders. These factors all play a role in shaping and determining what content is included in the curriculum.

Who exactly will determine the curriculum and how will it be determined Dennet?

Curriculum is typically determined by educational institutions, boards of education, and government bodies. They consider factors like educational standards, learning goals, and feedback from educators and stakeholders. The process involves a collaborative effort to create a balanced and comprehensive curriculum that meets the needs of students and society.

What is walker's model of curriculum develpoment?

Walker's model of curriculum development is a cyclical process that involves four main stages: planning, development, implementation, and evaluation. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration among stakeholders, such as teachers, students, and community members, in designing a curriculum that is relevant and effective for the learners. The model encourages ongoing reflection and revision based on feedback and results from the evaluation stage to continuously improve the curriculum.