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GEN's Swartzkopf, Powell, President Bush Sr.

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Q: Who are three people involved in Operation Desert Storm?
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Was desert storm just the American operation?

The first Gulf War the United States was involved in was Operation Desert Storm. While the United States played a large role in the short operation they were not the only country involved.

Was not an attack on American interest by al-Qaeda?

Operation desert storm :: apex

When did Operation Desert Storm take place?

Desert Storm commenced in January 1991 and ended the next month, in Febuary 1991.

What did Operation Desert Shield become on January 16 1991?

It became Operation Desert Storm.

Who was in the operation desert storm?

USA and Iraq

When did desert storm 2 occur?

Operation Desert Storm Jan 15-Feb 26, 1991. Operation Iraqi Freedom started in 2003.

Did desert storm start in 2000 or 2001?

Neither. Operation Desert Storm stared in January 1991.

Why did the US participate in operation desert storm?

Desert Storm-Eject Iraq from the nation of Kuwait Iraqi Freedom-Remove Saddam from power

Which was not an attack on American interests by Al-Qaeda?

Operation Desert Storm,the Persian Gulf War, was not an attack on American interests by Al-Qaeda.

Where did Desert Storm take place?

Operation Desert Storm's setting was on the Persian Gulf (which is in Iraq)PRAY FOR OUR SOLIDERS:]!!!

How did Desert Storm End?

Operation Desert Storm ended with a Coalition success in removing Iraqi forces from Kuwait.

Do the terms Desert Storm and the Gulf War refer to the same thing?

No. The term Desert Storm comes from the name of the main offensive, codenamed Operation Desert Storm. So Desert Storm was just the name of the first offensive action carried out by the Coalition forces during the Gulf War. People use the term gulf war because it is easier to say and easier to remember. It's also easier to SPELL. But for historical accuracy: 1. Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) 2. Operation Desert Storm (January and February 1991) 3. Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003 to present)