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The answer to this riddle is Wall-E.

He is the main character in the Disney movie of the same name. The 'girl' is EVE, who is actually a robot too.

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Q: Who are you - you are the last one on Earth and the only one doing your job you also have a pet cockroach and nearly get shot by a girl?
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What is the largest cockroach on record?

The Madagascar hissing Cockroach, also known as Hissing Roach or simply hisser, is one of the largest species of cockroach and can reach 5 inches (12 and half centimetres) at maturity.The giant burrowing cockroach (Macropanesthia rhinoceros)is also quite large. It can grow to be about 3 inches (8/9cm) and be as heavy as 35g.

What kind of animal is a roach?

A roach, short for the name cockroach is a primarily nocturnal insect. There are over 2,500 species known. They are also one of the oldest insects on the earth.

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The cockroach nymph uses it feelers to find its way in the dark. It also uses them to locate food sources.

Is a cockroach a bug?

Yes, it is and it can withstand nuclear bombs but can be squashed by your foot easily.

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Earth Hour helps in many ways it saves energy also when you do Earth Hour you realize what you are actually doing to the earth.

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The planet Uranus is nearly 1.5 billion miles from Earth. It is also around 2 billion miles from the sun.

Diagram of cockroach?

A diagram representation of the life cycle of a cockroach can be seen at a website called Vtaide. A cockroach undergoes three stages in its life cycle namely the egg, the nymph, and the adult stage.

Can all animals swim by instinct?

No.not all the animals can.e.g the lizard which is the terrestrial animal can nt swim even the cockroach can't also.

Is a cockroach a vertebrate?

A Cockroach is an Invertebrate because it doesnt have a back bone

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When used as nouns, earth means soil, whereas globe means any spherical (or nearly spherical) object. Earth is also proper noun meaning the third planet from the sun.

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There are people that are doing just that. however there are also people that are creating a heaven on earth. A lot depends on where and at whom you looking.

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Are u also doing the orbital velocity numbers?