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Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain

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Q: Who arrived on the eve of comet Halley and left on its tail?
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Is there a meteor shower that comes from Halley's comet's tail?

Yes. Halley's comet is responsible for the Eta Aquariids and the Orionids.

How long is the tail of Halley's Comet?

75.3 years

How big is Halley's comet's tail?

9001 cubic metres

Where is the albedo located on Halley's comet?

In a small locked box at the tip of the tail.

What is the two tail of a comet made of?

One tail is gas, and the other ice. The darker, colored tail is gas, and the white easy-to-see tail is ice.

Can a comets tail be hundreds of millions of kilometers long?

Sure. As a comet approaches the sun, the comet sheds some of its material, which trails behind it for millions of kilometers. It is this tail that is the most visible part of a comet. In fact, the word comet means "hairy star," referring to the long, streaming tail. In 1910, the earth actually passed through the tail of Halley's Comet.

How long is Halley's comet's tail?

Right now, on March 20, 2011? There is none. The frozen core of Halley's Comet is drifting away from the Sun, and is out past the orbit of Neptune and slowing down. In about 10 years, Halley's Comet will reach aphelion (the farthest point in its orbit) and slowly begin to fall back inward. The comet probably won't develop any kind of tail until it gets in about to the orbit of Jupiter; that will be around 2055 or so.

Is the tail of Halley's comet is always opposite to the sun?

A comet's ion (gas) tail always points directly away from the sun. Some comets also have a dust tail (antitail) which may curve slightly away to the side of the ion tail.

Can comets tail be miles long?

Most comet tails are millions of miles long, for example the Halley's comet, with a tail stretching 50 million kilometers. As well as the Great Comet of 1843, the tail reaching 2 AU in length. (One AU is about 150 000 000km)

What is the point of origin for Halley comet?

it is the time when the tail is facing the north of the other comets like this <halleys tail is north of the other comets when they go > this way

What does the name Halley's comet means?

Halley's Comet had been recorded every 76 years or so since about 200 BC; Edmund Halley was the first person to realize that the comets of 1531, 1607 and 1682 were in fact the SAME comet coming back again and again, and he predicted that the comet would again be visible in 1758. Edmund Halley himself did not live to see the comet's scheduled return, but in his honor the comet was named "Halley's Comet". A comet is a small, cold object in orbit round our sun. Every so often its orbit brings the comet close to the sun. A comet consists largely of ices. When it gets close to the sun these ices become vapour. The pressure of the solar wind and the light from the sun blow these vapours away from the sun, giving the comet a long tail. This tail is illuminated by sunlight and is often easily visible to the naked eye. Its name comes from Edmond Halley, an English astronomer who saw it in 1682, and recognised it as a periodic comet which had been passing close to the sun every 76 years for hundreds of years.

How many tails does Halley's comet have?

all comets have two tail one is an ion tail made of gas the other is a dust tail made of dust. which means Halley's comet has two tails. :) that's true what the person up there said.. but im doing a project on comets and i searched on Google images for its composition[whats it made of] and it said the was an Ion Tail, a Dust Tail, and a Hydrogen Envelope. the ion tail and the dust tail are right but i have no idea about the hydrogen envelope. confusedd .. Well the first dude is right because i researed it and it said that so ya