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Q: Who asked God to extend the daylight so he could win the battle?
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Related questions

How many hours of daylight in the winter?

depends where on the earth you are. it could shorten the amout of dailight in the northern hemishere and may extend in the southern ,

What could cause night to become daylight?

The sunrise.

What could be a helping verb for main verb asked?

I was asked if I could chair the committee.I'm glad I wasn't asked to do it.We had asked for a table by the window.They weren't asked to attend.You were asked to pick up your room.

What was original reason for daylight saving time and when tried on broad scale?

The reason was so that afternoons could have more daylight and mornings less daylight. It was first proposed in 1895, and used ever since then. Today about 70 countries practice daylight saving.

Could you extend the sieve to find prime numbers greater than 100?

You can extend it indefinitely, depending on your patience!

What is a antonym for twilight?

Broad Daylight! the contrast could not be bolder.

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Change into indirect speech he asked Could it be postponed for a day or two?

He asked if it could be postponed for a day or two.

How did the Inuit feel about daylight at the beginning of the story?

They were suspicious that such a thing could exist.

How do you use asked in a sentence?

I asked my mom if I could go to the movies.

Does daylight affect animals the smallest?

No, in fact, they were espacially born or placed there on purphase, because that's their habitat, they need daylight to live, like us, how could you live without daylight, although it can be too hot for them, thats where they are supposed to live.

How many hours In daylight?

Depends on where you are in Canada and what time of the year it is. You could get to places where there are 24 hours of daylight and six months later there is no daylight at all. So you can find it at any of the times in between at some point in Canada at different times of the year.