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Q: Who attacks Pip when he goes to the marshes?
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Related questions

Who goes with Joe and Pip to look for the convicts?

Joe goes with Pip to look for the convicts in the marshes.

How is Pip injured?

Pip is injured when a convict he encounters in the marshes attacks him. The convict threatens Pip and demands food and a file before biting his arm and threatening him further.

Whom does Pip come across first when he returns to the marshes?

Pip first encounters the young and arrogant boy, Trabb's boy, when he returns to the marshes.

Why does pip go alone to the sluicehouse in the marshes in the book Great Expectations?

Pip goes alone to the sluicehouse in the marshes because he believes he is meeting the escaped convict, Magwitch, without notifying others. He feels a sense of duty towards Magwitch, as the convict had asked him to bring food and a file. Pip also doesn't want to involve anyone else in potentially dangerous or criminal activities.

How did Helbert and Startop know where to find pip?

Herbert and Startop found out Pip's location from Jaggers, Pip's lawyer. Jaggers informed them that Pip was in the marshes at the Newgate Prison ship.

Pip gets an anonymous letter directing him to do what?

go to the marshes for information about his Uncle Provis

When Pip went to the marshes after receiving an anonymous note how was he attacked in the novel 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens?

In "Great Expectations," when Pip went to the marshes after receiving an anonymous note, he was attacked by Orlick, who was lying in wait for him. Orlick hit Pip on the head, knocking him unconscious. Pip later realized that it was Orlick who had attacked him.

What nicknames does Pip Triggs go by?

Pip Triggs goes by Pip.

Where did Pip encounter the convict?

Pip encountered the convict in a windswept graveyard near the marshes in Charles Dickens' novel "Great Expectations." The convict accosted Pip and demanded food and a file to remove his leg iron. Pip, feeling both fear and compassion, fulfilled the convict's requests.

Where did Pip live with his sister?

Pip lived with his sister, Mrs. Joe Gargery, in the village of the marshes near the town of Rochester in Charles Dickens' novel "Great Expectations."

Why does Pip go to the marshes at the beginning of Great Expectations?

Pip goes to the marshes at the beginning of "Great Expectations" because he is summoned by an escaped convict, Magwitch, who threatens him into bringing food and a file to him in the marshes. Pip's encounter with Magwitch instigates the chain of events that ultimately shape his life and the story of the novel.

What does the mysterious stranger at the Three Jolly Bargemen stir his drink with?

the file that pip gave the convict in the marshes in the beginning