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Adolf Hitler attempted antisemitic (hatred for Jewish people) genocide, where he attempted to kill off all of the Jewish people during the 2nd world war.

And yes, it happens all the time, unfortunately.

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Q: Who attempted genocide during world war 2 does geocide occur anywhere in world today if yes where?
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Who were the victims of attempted genocide?

The Jews were the victims of attempted genocide during the Holocaust. Today, there are a number of ethnic groups that are the victims of attempted genocide including the Armenians and Rwandan people.

Who attempted genocide during world warr 2?

Hitler and Stalin both attempted genocides during World War II, but Hitler's genocides are more well-known.

Who attempted to kill all Armenians?

The Armenian Genocide started in 1915. It was systematic destruction of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) during and just afte WW1. The genocide ended in 1923.

What is the importance of genocide during ww2?

Genocide is the killing of an entire race of people. The Nazi government attempted to kill all the Jewish people during WW 2, along with the Roma and other peoples. Tis resulted in the death of several million people, and prompted the formation of the country of Israel after the war.

The Jews were victims of attempted?

The Jews were victims of attempted genocide during the Holocaust, orchestrated by the Nazi regime in Germany. Millions of Jewish people were systematically persecuted, imprisoned, and murdered in concentration camps. This tragic event serves as a stark reminder of the importance of promoting tolerance, understanding, and human rights to prevent such atrocities from occurring again.

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It has been estimated that anywhere from 600,000 to 1.5 million Armenians died during the 1st world war.

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Jews were subject to genocide during WW2.

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Boutros Boutros-Ghali was the SG of the UN during the Rwandan genocide.

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During the Rwandan Genocide, over 900,00 tutsis were killed by the hutus with machetes.

What are the two acts of genocide?

The Holocaust during WW2 and the Rwandan genocide in 1994.

Who were the upstanders in the Rwandan genocide?

The American Journalist that stayed during the genocide to record evidence