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Q: Who became a Mexican citizen learned spanish and convinced the mexicqn government to appoint as an empresairo so he could sell land to American colonist in Texas?
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What writing by Thomas Paine convinced thousands of American colonist to separate from Britain?

Common Sense was the writing where Thomas Paine convinced thousands of American colonists to separate from Britain.

What benefited American colonist in shaping government?

the Holy Bible

Which British policy convinced many Americans colonist that they should form their own country?

Great Britain did not allow the colonists to participate in government.

What role The Benjamin Franklin Play in the American Colonist disagreement With the British government?

har har

The colonist who convinced the French to aid the colonies was .?

Ben Franklin (and La Fayette).

What were two reasons why the American revolution took place?

1. The colonist wanted freedom from the British 2. The colonist wanted to make their own country with their own government

What did the American colonists model their legislatures?

The American colonist model of legislature was patterned after the English Parliament. The primary concern was that the government have a balance of power.

What the battle that convinCed the french that the colonist could really defeat the British was the?

the battle of sartuaga

What happened on the eastern coast of north America between 1776 and 1783?

The American colonist were fighting the English government.

What was on British principle of government valued by the American colonist?

the right to pay no tax and unless it was levived by thier reperesentatives

A colonist who the American colonist to be independent of Britain?


How did the Boston Massacre effect the US?

It convinced more colonist to take a move towards independence.