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Stephen has been called the first Christian martyr. (Acts 7:54-60)

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Q: Who became a martyr in Jerusalem?
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Where did St. Stephen live?

St. Stephen was one of the first Christian martyrs and is believed to have lived in Jerusalem. He is known for being one of the seven deacons appointed by the Apostles to serve the early Christian community.

When did the first martyr die?

St. Stephen, the Protomartyr, died at Jerusalem sometime about the year 34 or 35.

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Baldwin of Boulougne became Baldwin I, the first King of Jerusalem in 1100.

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Palm Sunday became important when Jesus triumphantly into Jerusalem.

How do you use the word martyr in a sentence?

A martyr is somebody who suffers for what they believe in, especially one who gives their life for their cause. An example of martyr used in a sentence is: She could easily have pretended to change her mind, but she stood firm in her support of the reform and became a martyr when the unhappy leaders chose to make an example of her.

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The overseers that Saint Justin Martyr writes about later became known as bishops in the Christian church hierarchy.

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he influenced the people of his catholic community, because he held sermons and mass

Why is president Garfield considered the martyr of civil service?

Garfield was assassinated by a man who wanted to be appointed to a government job and blamed Garfield for not getting it. Garfield thus became a martyr, in a way. Since Garfield favored a reform in the way that civil service jobs were filled, you can say that he was a martyr for civil service.

Where did Saint Stephen live?

Saint Stephen is generally believed to have lived in Jerusalem, where he was one of the first Christian martyrs. He is honored as a saint in various Christian denominations, including the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglican Churches.

Is it to martyr or to be martyred or to become a martyr?

To be martyred or to become a martyr. To martyr would refer to the person doing the killing.

What is a person called who suffers dies or loses everything for their beliefs?

A martyr?