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Q: Who became popular by giveing land to the landless farmers?
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Which greek tyrant became popular by giving land to landless farmers?


Who became popular by giving land to landless farmers in ancient Greece?

Solon became popular by giving land to the landless farm owners.

How did the English become landless?

the ehglish became landless because they were kiked off the land.

What source of labor were rich landowners using that caused farmers to lose jobs in ancient rome?

The rich landowners hired slave labour. With this abundant supply of labour they could expand their landed estates at the expense of the peasant farmers who cultivated small plots of land to feed their families. It is not that these farmers lost their jobs. They were independent farmers. They lost their land and became became landless. In those days most people were peasants. The landless people flocked to Rome to eke out a living there, swelling the masses of the poor.

Who became popular by giving land to ladless farmers?

Peisistratus it should be him if not oh will

Which two tribes became the farmers?

which tribes became farmers

What did the world population do when hunter gatherers became farmers?

As hunter-gatherers transitioned to farming, settlements became more permanent, populations grew, and societies became more complex. This shift also led to the development of agriculture, the domestication of animals, and the establishment of trade networks.

What happened when farmers became more mechanized?

farmers moved to urban areas

What did africans do to get food before they became farmers?

There is food all over the world and before they became farmers they probably ate what they could find.

Why is solon REMEBER?

solon freed farmers who became slaves and cancelled farmers' depts

When did goat renting for landscaping start?

Farmers have always used goats for weeds but it only became popular in cities with the increase in the price of fuel and labour and the increased uptake of environmental issues.

When did Facebook become popular?

Facebook became popular in 2004