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The settlers and farmers that started farming the land.

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Q: Who began building barbed wire fences so the cattle would stay off their farmland?
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What ended cattle frontier out west?

Barbed-wire. When farmers started putting up barbed-wire fences, cattle drives couldn't get to the feilds forthe cows to graze.

What contributed to the end of open-range cattle ranching in the mid-1880s?

The invention of barbed wire ended the open range

What type of fences were put up by new settlers that blocked cattle trails?

Barbed wire.

What action of farmers on the Plains helped end the Cattle Kingdom?

They put up fences. Cattle used to roam freely on the Great Plains. Later, farmers put up barbed wire fences in order to share the land and divide it. The fences ended the cattle drives that were an essential part of the Cattle Kingdom.

What was used to construct fences in the prairies of the West?

For the most part there were no fences put up. It wasn't until cattle ranchers came that barb wire fences were erected. In some cases this resulted in range wars over the fences.

Will a barbed wire fencing around the building keep the snakes off?

Of course not. Barbed wire fences aren't solid and a snake would simply go under the wire.

Which region of the US was known for the use of barbed wire fences and sod houses?

the west was known for barbed wire fences and sod houses.

How did barbed wire change the economy?

Barbed wire played an essential role in the territorial expansion. It reduced the cost of enclosing land, and kept cattle contained. Barbed wire led to conflicts between farmers and ranchers when cattlemen began cutting the fences to allow cattle to pass through to find better grazing lands.

What brought a speedy end to the frontier?

farmers and ranchers took advantage of the land and put up barbed wire fences to limit were their cattle could graze which ended the open frontier

What might have been a source of conflict between cattle ranchers and farmers who were attempting to settle on the frontier?

Barbed wire fences. Farmers used barbed wire to keep animals out, but this made it more difficult for the cowboys to free-range graze their cattle. The ranchers wanted more space to graze their cattle, yet the farmers wanted property lines so no animals could mar their fields and destroy their crops.

Where were barbed wire fences and sod houses in the 1800's?

in the deep south

Effects of barbed wire on the frontier?

Before the invention of barbed wire, a rancher's cattle just went all over the land, and during roundup time, you had to go find them. Also, someone driving cattle could simply cut across a person's land in order to get to market. With the invention of barbed wire, roundups becanme easier, and "Line houses" were set up along the fences of some larger ranches, in order to make sure the cattle were in good health year round. The upside/downside (depending on who you ask) was that it kept cattle drivers from cutting across property, making them go aroound, thus lengthening their travel time.