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Q: Who began raiding England at the end of the 8th century?
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When did Vikings start?

The period of viking raiding began in the 8th century, and ended in the 12th century's the monks true while the vikings made boats and ships to worn of enemy's

How did the vikings from the 14th century get their name?

The Vikings were from the late 8th century to the mid 11th century. They got their name from the term "a viking", which means to go raiding.

What type of government did Greece have in the 8th century?

In the 8th century, Ancient Greece was a democratic government. This type of government began in the city of Ancient Athens.

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The invasion began in the early 8th century (710-711)

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In the 8th century A.D---In England

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Greece began to emerge in the 8th century, around 750 B.C.

How did vikings become Norsemen?

The Norsemen (Northern Germanic peoples from Denmark, Norway and Sweden) began a-Viking during what is historically known as the Viking Age (late 8th to 11th century). Viking is an occupation (like a blacksmith, farmer etc.), meaning one who goes raiding, pillaging, merchandising, trading, exploring and eventually colonizing (Iceland, Normandy, Russia etc.). Only a certain class of Norsemen were vikings, majority of the Norse stayed behind during their adventures. Essentially, Norsemen became vikings when began raiding and pillaging the coasts and inlets of Brittan, France, Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. There are many theories for why the Norsemen began exploring and raiding during the late 8th century.

What century were the vikings?

The late 8th century to the mid 11th century.

How did King Arthur fight off the Vikings?

He couldn't have since King Arthur is believed to have lived some time during the 6th century and the Vikings did not start raiding until the 8th.

When ended the Middle Ages and modern times began?

middle age 8th century to 18 century early mideaval 8th to 13th late mideaval 13th to 18th modern 18th to (now 21

When was the 8th century?

700AD was the 8th Century.

When did the viking age start and end?

They began in 795 They ende in 1000