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Besides targeting the Jews, Hitler also targeted gypsies, homosexuals, and the handicapped.

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Other groups targeted by the Nazis for destruction included the Romani people, the disabled, political dissidents, homosexuals, and Slavic peoples. These groups were persecuted and murdered as part of the Nazis' efforts to create a "pure" Aryan society.

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Q: Who besides the Jews were the target of Nazi destruction?
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We call it the Holocaust.

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The almost complete destruction of the Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany is referred to as?

the Holocaust

What do we call Nazi Germany's destruction of over 6 milions Jews?

We call it the holocaust.

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no the nazi not happey whif the jews so the nazi kill more the hafe of the jews populashun p.s i now cuss i am a nazi

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-Jehovah's Witnesses-Gays and lesbians-People with disabilities-GypsiesHomosexuals, gypsies, mentally and physically disabled, tramps and beggars, and political opponents.

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Holocaust is an act of mass destruction of human life. An example of a holocaust is the mass murder of Jews under Hitlers Nazi regime.

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mostly Jews, but also Communists, mentally and physically handicapped individuals, gays, and clergy and others who opposed the regime

What was hitler nazi or jewish?

Hitler was a Nazi. He killed Jews.

Who decided to gas the Jews in Nazi Germany?

Hitler decided to gas the Jews in nazi Germany

Sterilising the Jews in Nazi Germany?

The Jews were murdered, not sterlized.