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We blow the shofar because God commanded us to (Numbers 29:1). Symbolically, it is a declaration the God is King, just as people blow trumpets when the king appears. It is also a reminder that the day of shofar-blowing (Rosh Hashanah) is a day of judgment.

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Because on Sabbath, it is forbidden to create something. By blowing the shofar you are creating a form of music.


The above answer is incorrect. It's a mitzvah (command) to hear the call of the shofar (Leviticus ch.23), so it would be okay in principle to create something that's been specifically commanded. Rather, we don't blow shofar on the sabbath, in order to prevent an unlearned Jew from violating the sabbath prohibition of carrying the shofar outside to another domain (to bring it to the synagogue; or to be instructed in its use, since blowing the shofar properly is not easy). Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 29b.

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10y ago

Who is Qualified to Sound the Shofar?

The Shulchan Aruch begins its exploration of fitness by citing excluded classes of people:

1. An unfit Baal Tekiah can perform this mitzvah, if no one else is available who is qualified.

2. The mitzvah is not valid if done by a deaf mute, moron (lacks the capacity) or a child (lacks the adult status). Women are exempt because the mitzvah is time-bound. However, if a female Baala Tekiya has already intoned the Shofar for other women, it is valid. However, women should not make a blessing.

3. Only a freeman (not a slave) can be a Baal Tekiya. (Shulchan Aruch 590:1-5)

Generally, a person fit to sound the Shofar publicly is a male adult who is obligated to perform the mitzvah of sounding the Shofar. (Shulchan Aruch 589:1)

Being a Baal Tekiya (Shofar Sounder) is an honor.

The one who blows the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah . . . should likewise be learned in the Torah and shall be God-fearing; the best man available. Nevertheless, every Jew is eligible for any sacred office, providing he is acceptable to the congregation. If, however, he sees that his choice will cause disruption, he should withdraw his candidacy, even if an improper person will be chosen. Shulchan Aruch 3:72.

Moreover, the Baal Tekiya shall abstain from anything that may cause ritual contamination for three days prior to Rosh Hashanah. Shulchan Aruch 3:73

If a blind shofar-blower was dismissed, but the community did not find someone as proficient, he should be accepted. The issue is proficiency, not disability. (Radbaz)

See Arthur L. Finkle, Easy Guide to Shofar Sounding, Torah Aura, LA, 2002

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14y ago

The talmud (a book of Jewish law) states that the shofar blown on Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) should be made of a ram's horn to recall the Sacrifice of Isaac. Commentators explain that this is so that G-d will remember the merit of Abraham who was willing to sacrifice his son, and Isaac who was willing to be sacrificed. In turn G-d will grant his people with a good year because of the merit of their forefathers.

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What month during Elul don't we blow the shofar?

Preparations One Whole Month Before Rosh HashanahTisha B'av signals to me that there are 7-weeks before Rosh HaShanah. Therefore, I spiritually prepare myselfby practicing the shofar at the beginning of the next month - Elul. During Elul, we customarilysound the shofar at the end of morning services.Sounding the shofar at services is a practical way of preparing for the "real deal" on Rosh HaShanah. In addition, this period serves as a reminder to orient my attention to appropriate repentance.Being a Shofar Sounder and Shofar teacher for 30+ years, I want to share a routine is based on sound musical principals expressed (hopefully) in plain finkle

What instrument is used for Rosh Hashhanah?

The shofar

Rosh hashanah a sabbath?

No. The Sabbath is a weekly holiday that occurs from Friday at sunset until Saturday at sunset. Rosh Hashanah is a major holiday or festival, and occurs on the 1st day of the 7th month of the Jewish (lunar) calendar. If the 1st day of the 7th month is a Saturday, then Rosh Hashanah is also on the Sabbath.

What is a high sabbath?

It's one of the High Holiday Sabbaths - Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur.

Is it proper for women to blow the Shofar?

The basic 'mitzvah' (commandment) concerning the shofar on Rosh Hashana is the commandment to hear it. For that reason, it's common for one who is able to competently render the various sounds to take the shofar to shut-ins on Rosh Hashana afternoons, and give them the opportunity to recite the blessing and hear the sounds. If no men were qualified, available, or willing to do this, a woman might perform this kindness, especially for other women who had not been able to attend the synagogue service. For the shofar service itself in the synagogue ... on the morning of Rosh Hashana or any morning service during the month before ... especially in an Orthodox synagogue, a woman would not be the individual selected to blow the shofar.

Related questions

Why do not blow the Shofar on Shabbat?

Blowing the Shofar is a form of musical instrument, and playing musical instruments is generally prohibited on Shabbat to honor the day's rest. However, there are exceptions to this rule, like during the High Holidays when it is allowed to blow the Shofar.

How is Rosh Hashanah different between the sects of Judaism?

Reform Jews outside Israel generally celebrate Rosh Hashanah for only one day, while all other Jews celebrate Rosh Hashanah for two days. Reform Jews blow the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah even if it falls on Shabbat (the Sabbath), while others refrain from blowing the shofar on Shabbat.

Is the trumphet blown at the beginning of Rosh Hashanah?

Rosh Hashanah starts in the evening, and the Shofar is blown the following morning, on each of the two days.

What special instument do people play during Rosh Hashanah?

The shofar

Did Rosh hashanah change?

Yes, in the following ways: 1) When the Temple still stood, the shofar (a kind of trumpet) was sounded (Leviticus ch.23) even when Rosh Hashanah occurred on Shabbat. Today, if Rosh Hashanah occurs on Shabbat the shofar is not used. 2) When the Temple still stood, sacrifices were offered on Rosh Hashanah (Numbers ch.29). 3) In ancient times, Rosh Hashanah was celebrated for only one day. For a technical reason involving the timely appearance of witnesses to testify concerning the new moon, the sages instituted the celebration of two days for Rosh Hashanah.

What does the pipe represent?

There is no such thing as a Jewish pipe. But you might be referring to a shofar, or ram's horn, that is sounded on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

What does the Jewish Pipe represent?

There is no such thing as a Jewish pipe. But you might be referring to a shofar, or ram's horn, that is sounded on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Are there any special items used in Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur festivals?

The shofar (also known as a ram's horn).

How is the shofar used in Jewish ceremonies?

The shofar is used so that Jews are called to attention and can remember that they must atone before God for their sins. It is used every weekday and Sunday morning in the month of Elul (typically August-September), on Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur (except if those holidays overlap with Shabbat).

What month during Elul don't we blow the shofar?

Preparations One Whole Month Before Rosh HashanahTisha B'av signals to me that there are 7-weeks before Rosh HaShanah. Therefore, I spiritually prepare myselfby practicing the shofar at the beginning of the next month - Elul. During Elul, we customarilysound the shofar at the end of morning services.Sounding the shofar at services is a practical way of preparing for the "real deal" on Rosh HaShanah. In addition, this period serves as a reminder to orient my attention to appropriate repentance.Being a Shofar Sounder and Shofar teacher for 30+ years, I want to share a routine is based on sound musical principals expressed (hopefully) in plain finkle

What was the date of rosh hashanah in 1959?

Rosh Hashanah was on October 3rd in 1959.

Who celebrates Rosh Hashanah and why is it celebrated?

Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year.