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Q: Who brought small pox into Europe?
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What disease was brought to south America from Europe?

Small pox, influenza, measles, and typhus.

What diseases were brought to America by europeans?

Bubonic plague, small pox, dysentry,influenza, tb, typhus

How can tobacco be seen as revenge for small pox?

Europeans brought smallpox with them when they travelled to the Americas and it killed many people there. They brought tobacco back to Europe and tobacco has resulted in many deaths too.

What is the sicknesses brought by European explorers that spread quickly?

Small Pox.

Did christopher Columbus bring disease to the Americas?

know that they brought small pox...

What was the disease that spread from Asia to Europe killing millions of people?

small pox

What sickness brought by euorpean explorers spread quickly and killed many native Americans?

Spanish brought small pox

What disease decimated the Aztecs?

A disease called small pox. the Spanish conquistadors brought it over from Spain.

How spanish conquest affected the people of America?

The disease is the small pox. Brought over by the Columbian Exchange.

What is sicknesses brought by European explorers that spread quickly and infected many native Americans?

Small pox

What kills aborigines more than guns?

Disease. They had no immunity to diseases brought to their lands.

What spread from Asia and Europe and caused the deaths of millions of people?

A disease called SMALL POX.