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Australia is a Commonwealth country, meaning that it is an original colony of the British Empire. The British system of law was implemented in may 1787 when the first fleet arrived, ruling the land a Terra Nullius and applying the 'Doctrine of Reception'. It is this doctrine that applied British law to the colonies and the land of Australia which was found to have been wrongly administered in the 1992 decision of the Mabo Case. It was found that for law to properly be administered, the land must have been conquered and then a law of Britain and Indigenous culture implemented.

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Q: Who brought the first system of laws to Australia and when?
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Broadly speaking the powers are separated into 3 areas The Parliament - who make the laws The Executive - Who enforce the laws The judiciary - Who interprate laws and settle disputes. This system is not unique to Australia, and is called the Seperation of Powers.

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YES. the laws in Australia apply to everyone regardless of race.

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