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Tyge (Tycho) Brahe

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Q: Who built pointers that he used measure the locations of stars and planets before the invention of the telescope?
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What does a radio telescope measure?

it measure waves

What is the measure of the largest optical telescope?

8.2 meter-miles

What space instrument would you use to view Proxima Centauri?

To view things from far away is called a binocular

What do you mean by resolving power of telescope?

The "resolving power" of a telescope is a measure of the ability of a telescope to distinguish between two separate objects that appear to be very close together in the sky.

What Chinese invention is used to measure the strength of earthquakes?

Dragon jar

What do telescope measure?

Electromagnetic radiation in the wavelengths between a few hundred meters to a few millimeters.

What is astronomy equipment?

The primary tools used in early astronomy were a compass to measure directions, a sextant (or octant) to measure angles in the sky, a watch and a telescope.

What part of a reflecting telescope would you measure to find the apeture?

The diameter of the objective mirror, or of the tube if it has one.

What is the most common usage for spectrometers?

A spectrometer is used to measure properties of light. The most common usage is as an instrument attached to a telescope for astronomers to measure the chemical elements in a star.

What was Edisons first practical invention Tick a Tape for?

To measure Mark McGwire's home run distances.

How were theodolites useful in old times?

In surveying they were used to measure horizontal and vertical angles. They were basically a small telescope mounted on a tripod

What is a good place to put a telescope?

optical telescopes - high mountain far from city light pollutionradio telescope - anyplace with little radio interference in the bands it operates inx-ray or gamma ray telescope - in orbitneutrino telescope - deep in an abandoned salt mine.etc.