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The largest pyramid is the Great Pyramid of Giza (Also known as the Pyramid of Khufu) and is also the oldest pyramid at the Giza site. It was originally built as a tomb for the fourth dynasty Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. Egyptologists say it took around 10 - 20 years to build and was completed around 2560 BC. When first built the pyramid was 146.5 metres (481 feet) tall.

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What is the site of the largest pyramids built in Egypt?

Giza is the site of the largest pyramids built in Egypt.

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Where are the three largest pyramids built?

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Pyramids have been built all over the world, notably in Egypt and Mexico.

Which Egyptian pyramids are the most important?

Probably the complex at Giza which includes the Great Pyramid of Pharaoh Khufu (Reigned 2589-66BC). This is the largest and most accurately built of all the pyramids built in Egypt during the old and middle kingdoms.

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Actually, several ancient civilizations built pyramids, usually for religious purposes. The largest and best known were built by the Egyptians several thousand years ago, but there are pyramids in Mexico and Central America as well.

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built more than 4000 years ago as a tomb for an Egyptian pharaoh, this is the largest of the grat pyramids

Where were pyramids built?

In Egypt .Pyramids were built all over the world, but probably the most famous of them all are the Great Pyramids of Giza, in Giza, Egypt.

What dynasty built the largest pyramids?

khufu fourth dynasty Pharaoh, known to the Greeks as Cheops

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There are several pyramids not only in Egypt. The largest is the great pyramidof Khufu at Giza

How many pyramids were built of limestone?

all i believe