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I would recommend doing leg curls and stretches, they will help tone and hone your legs. These can be done in short intervals, and should not be overdone. Consult a physician before doing these tasks.

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Q: Who can tell me how to do leg workout every day?
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How should leg curls be integrated into a workout?

Leg curls may be integrated into a workout in many ways. One way is to do leg curls as a part of a more extensive lower body workout. Another way to integrate leg curls is to alternate them with upper body reps such as tricep pulls.

What workout can you do to increase football speed?

leg press leg extension running and sprints

Why do doctors tell u to break a leg?

Because every play has a cast

You are flexible with your right leg but not your left how do you get it to be flexible?

Work your left leg about twice as much as your right every day. :)

Is it okay to work a different leg muscle a day Especially if you are walking or on the elliptical every day?

it is but it would be better to exercise them all at once because if you don't exercise it all at once, it gets used to being tired and when you do extreme workout on it, you could injure yourself so do it all at once

Why do we tell actors to Break a leg?

because they all have a cast

Where can one find good leg workout exercises?

Men's Health and Fitness Magazine provide good leg workout exercises in their magazines and websites. Fitness Magazine will often provide videos of the exercises on their website.

How can I tell if my parakeet's leg is broken?

If the leg is broken it will stand on one leg all day or lie on the bottom of its cage. Its best seeing a vet.

How do you not get big bulging leg muscles from running every day?

Yes especially uphill running

Does running after working out your legs help?

No, definitely not. It would cause more damage than good. After a workout, your muscles would be tired. You must give them time to recuperate/recover and provide them with protein and other healthy food to grow. If you are going to run after a workout, your muscles would get fatigued. They are already tired after the workout and if you run they will get fatigued. This can cause catabolism and your muscles can shrink in size instead of growing. Running/jogging is a good exercise for your legs but do not do it before/after a leg workout. Do it on a separate day. Do not club it with your leg workout.

How do you do a left leg split?

just keep working hard and stay in it for 10 minutes every day