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Q: Who captured and sold Africans into slavery?
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How Africans felt and done with the slavery?

Some form of slavery had existed in Africa for many years. A number of Africans captured other Africans and sold them as slaves.

How was slavery different in Africa and America?

Not much difference. Africans captured Africans and either kept them, sold them to other Africans, or sold them to whites.

Why did the Africans migrate?

the africans did not magrate they were captured in forced in slavery

Who were the partners of the English slave trade?

The africans who captured and sold their brother africans.

Did African people volunteer to be sold into slavery?

No, African people did not volunteer to be sold into slavery. The transatlantic slave trade involved the forced capture, trade, and transportation of millions of Africans against their will to the Americas for forced labor. The individuals captured and sold into slavery were victims of a system that dehumanized and exploited them for economic gain.

Who captured the Africans who were sold were sold in the Atlantic slave trade?

African slave traders

What did Alexander the Great do in Thebes?

When it revolted, he captured the city and sold its inhabitants into slavery.

Who was captured by the English sold into slavery escaped?

Carlson Smith Jr. was captured.

Who captured the africans who were sold in the Atlantic salve trade?

white people

What have many africans been sold into?

Many Africans have been historically sold into slavery, particularly during the transatlantic slave trade. This involved capturing and forcibly transporting Africans to the Americas to work on plantations and in other labor-intensive industries.

Ways in which Africans became slaves?

they were either sold by their king or captured and then sold by various merchants/ traders

Who captured the Africans who were sold in the Atlantic trade?

West African slave traders