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Roman Catholics and some other Christian denominations, all over the world, celebrate All Saints Day.

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8y ago

Catholics all over the world celebrate All Saints Day.

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When is the feast day for all saints?

Halloween was originally All Souls Day or All Saints Day. The Church still celebrates it as All Souls Day.

Why is All Souls Day celebrated after All Saints Day?

It is a celebration by the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Churches to celebrate the dead. The Catholic Church celebrates it the day after All Saints Day and the Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate All Souls Day several times in the year.

What Catholic feast day is on February 2?

The first of November is All Saints Day in which the church celebrates all the saints who have not been canonized but are in heaven. The second day of November is All Souls Day on which we pray for all departed souls in purgatory.

What is the history of All Saints Day When is it celebrated?

In the Roman Catholic tradition, All Saint's Day is on November 1st. I believe it was set aside as that day in the year when all of the Saints who do not have their own, special day are honored. In addition, it celebrates all those "saints" who are known only to God. Of course, you know that "Halloween" is a shortened slang for "All Hallows' Evening", the evening before All Saints' Day when children used to visit shut-ins and the elderly to BRING them treats and to perform 'tricks' for their AMUSEMENT. Things sure do change, huh?

What does all saints day celebrate?

it celebrates Halloween the day of treak or treating pumpkins and a lot more but you've got the answer now . hope so I'm a 11 year old by the way

Do saints have birthdays?

Yes, saints have birthdays just like any other person. However, the Catholic Church traditionally celebrates the feast day of a saint, which is the day they died and entered into the glory of heaven, rather than their actual birthdate.

All Saints Day is celebrated the day after what?

The day after Hallowe'en is All Saints' Day.

What is all saints day about?

All saints day is the day when we celebrate the feast days of all the saints, and when we honor all the saints. Hope this answered your question!

Does France celebrate All Saints Day?

All Saints Day is a celebration of Christian Saints and loved ones who have passed away. It is celebrated as a holiday in all Catholic countries, including France. Called La Toussaint, flowers are placed on the graves of loved ones and special church services are held. Itâ??s a short, pleasant autumn vacation period.

What is eaten on All Saints Day?

There is no prescribed meal for All saints Day.

Which saint celebrates their feast day on Boxing Day?

A number of saints share December 26 as a feast day but the best known is Saint Stephen, Deacon and Martyr.

Halloween is celebrated on which Eve of the Christian holiday?

All Saints DayAll Saints Day