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Q: Who claimed Puerto Rico in 1493?
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When was Puerto Rico was claimed by Christopher Colombo?

In 1493.

What European country claimed Puerto Rico in 1493?

Spain, and the explorer was Christopher Columbus in 1493.

When did puerto rico become a territory?

Never. Puerto Rico was claimed by Spain in 1493. The United States took Puerto Rico from Spain as part of the settlement of the Spanish-American War in 1898. Puerto Rico has been a US territory ever since.

What year was Puerto Rico found?

Puerto Rico was founded in 1493, which was Ponce De Leon's second voyage.puerto rico was founded by Christopher Columbus in 1493.

Puerto Rico is a territory of what country?

Puerto Rico is a territory of the United State of America. In 1493 it was claimed by Spain, but after 400 years of colonial rule Puerto Rico was ceded to the U.S. This was due to the U.S winning the Spanish-American war in 1898. The American Dollar is used Puerto Rico and their economy is controlled by the U.S.

When was Puerto Rico officially formed?

Established in 1493.

How long was Puerto Rico slave of Spain?

Puerto Rico was a colony of Spain from 1493 to 1898. 405 years.

What are important dates of Puerto Rico?

There are many important dates in Puerto Rico's history. These include being claimed for Spain by Christopher Columbus in 1493, in 1520 the island was officially named Puerto Rico, the US acquisition of Puerto Rico in 1898 and organized it as a territory in 1902. The date in 1917 when Puerto Ricans became full citizens of the US might also be listed.

Who were the first explorers to discover Puerto Rico?

Christopher Columbus in 1493.

When was Puerto Rico discoverd?

On 19 November 1493 by Christopher Columbus.

When did Ponce de Leon travel to Puerto Rico?

In September 1493.

Is Puerto Rico an old country?

For the Western World it dates to 1493.