

Who come up with the theory of evolution?

Updated: 10/19/2020
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Q: Who come up with the theory of evolution?
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What was his theory of evolution?

The theory of evolution is that all living things come from other living things.

Where and when did matty silverwood come up with the theory of evolution?

He didn't.... I don't know who was the idiot who told you that however Charles Darwin was the person who came up with evolution.

How do Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution relate?

Charles Darwin is the founder of Darwinism and the first one to ever come up with the idea Animal and Plants evolve over time, or the theory of evolution.

Who gave the theory of evolution?

There is no " theory of evolution " as evolution is a fact. The theory is; the theory of evolution by natural selection and explains much about the fact of evolution. Charles Robert Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace come up with the theory of evolution by natural selection, though natural selection is a phrase coined by Darwin.

What were Darwin's contributions to the theory of evolution?

He came up with the theory.

Who proposed the idea of the theory of evolution?

The idea of evolution was thought of long before Darwin, by a man named Count Buffon. What Charles Darwin did was to successfully come up with the mechanism of evolution, known as natural selection.

What do you think of the theory of evolution?

It does not mater what anyone thinks about the theory of evolution by natural selection. The theory of evolution by natural selection is the best explanation we have for much of the observed and observable fact of evolution. The theory is internally consistent with the fact of evolution, it is supported by myriad lines of converging evidence and it generates testable predictions in the form of scientific hypothesis. The opinion of no one is needed by the theory of evolution by natural selection and educated people have come to accept the theory.

How did irreducibly complex biological systems come about by evolution?

Irreducible complexity is a theory that statesÊadvanced organic systems are to advanced to have come into existance by evolution alone.ÊThis theory has been dismissed by the scientific community as psuedoscience.

When did Charles Darwin come up with his evolution theory?

Darwin was in the Galapagos Islands August to September 1834. It was there that he began wondering about evolution. He returned to England in 1836, and in 1837 Darwin started his first notebook on evolution, secretly.

What are some problems in the theory of evolution?

There aren't any problems in evolutionary theory. However, there are enough unanswered question remaining in evolution to keep scientists busy for centuries to come.

What were the sources of evidence Darwin used for his theory of evolution?

the three sources of information Charles Darwin used to come up with his theory are: farmers and animal breeders, geologists, and the work of thomas malthus

Who understands evolution better then Darwin?

Darwin didn't fully understand evolution he came up with the theory.