

Who commonly cuaght typhoid in Victorian times?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Who commonly cuaght typhoid in Victorian times?
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What was Typhoid called in Victorian times?

The Victorians called it typhus

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What disease did prince Albert die of?

He died cos of Typhoid, Typhoid is Dirty Water He druck It.The dirty Water Is that Poor people in Victorian Times They do The toilet In the river which People Drink from

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Victoria reigned in Victorian times.

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yes they did have shotguns in Victorian times.

Who was affected by typhoid in Victorian times?

It was often drinking/ washing water that was infected by sewage that caused typhoid. You could catch it from the Thames where it wasn't illegal to throw in your sewage, but people mainly got their drinking water from there aswell, so obviously it would have been infected.

What were the victorian diseases and their symptoms?

In Victorian England you could catch Cholera, Typhoid Fever, scarlet fever and smallpox.They had Cholera which is a bad disease that they got from water pumps.They had many dieases such as Cholera, the black death, The barbary plague, bubonic plague you can also look some more up on googleIn the Victorian times adults and children got lots of different types of disease. There were three common diseases that people got. There was Cholera,

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The Crinoline was the fashion in Victorian Times.

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what were beaches like in the Victorian times? what did they do

Was there a cure for typhoid fever in colonial times?

There was no cure for typhoid fever in colonial times. Nevertheless wise old physician probably used to cure typhoid by good nursing care. There was about 20 % mortality for the typhoid fever without effective antibiotic therapy.

What happended in Victorian times?

Victorian things ;)