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The scientists Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace both contributed to the theory of evolution at approximately the same time, although Wallace was held back by his tendency to advocate spiritualism.

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Q: Who contributed to the theory of evolution?
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Can the evolution of Man be traced in a continuous way?

Unfortunately, the evolution of man cannot be traced in a continuous way. This is why many people doubt that the theory of evolution is more than a theory. Scientific evidence does follow the evolution of man but there are gaps that are not explained.

Which famous person in associated with evolution?

If you mean the theory of evolution and the survival of the fittest: That would be Charles Darwin.

How and when did the argument between creation and evolution begin?

Just after the beginning of the 20th century a religious revival called fundamentalism gained traction in America and the battle commenced. Of course there was opposition before then, but now the opponents of evolutionary science were literalists in their biblical interpretations and well organized in their opposition to the theory of evolution by natural selection. There is no real argument, Evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms, is fact. The theory of evolution by natural selection explains much of the fact of evolution. Creationism is pure nonsense.

Who is the founder of the modern evolution?

There is no founder, Darwin's theory has just been improved over time until now.

What is a short summary for Inherit the Wind?

Nationally known attorneys Matthew Harrison Brady and Henry Drummond square off in a trial over whether a high school biology teacher can teach Darwin's Theory of Evolution in his class without being imprisoned by an antiquated law.

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What did Charles Darwin contribute in the community?

Charles Darwin contributed the Theory of Evolution.

What did Theodosius Dobzhansky discover?

He contributed to the modern synthesis theory; a comprehensive theory of evolution that integrated ideas from many fields.

How did Ernst Walter Mayr contributed to the current theory of evolution?

He was a systemist who contributed to the neodarwinian synthesis. He was the man who came up with the biological species concept.

What scientist contributed to evolutionary theory?

The theory of evolution was originally presented by Charles Darwin. Since the time of Darwin, there have been many other scientists who have contributed to evolutionary theory. One notable evolutionary scientist of the 21st century is Richard Dawkins.

Who is associated with the theory of evolution?

Charles Darwin is primarily associated with the theory of evolution through his work on natural selection and the publication of "On the Origin of Species." Other scientists, such as Alfred Russel Wallace, also contributed to the development of evolutionary theory.

Which scientist contributed to evolutionary theory through the study of natural selection?

Charles Darwin contributed to the evolutionary theory through study of natural selection.

Hat did Charles Darwin invented?

Charles Darwin did not create any inventions. Instead, he contributed to society through his research and theories on evolution.

The moon may have contributed to the evolution of life from?

the moon may have contributed the evolution of life from?

Who developed the theory evolution?

The theory of evolution by natural selection was developed most fully by two men. Robert Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. Since that time, a hundred and fifty one years ago, many more people have contributed to the theory.

What is the difference between theory of evolution and language evolution?

The theory of evolution explains the process of biological change and adaptation over generations in living organisms. Language evolution, on the other hand, refers to the development and changes in human languages over time. While both concepts involve change and adaptation over time, they occur in different domains - biological for evolution and linguistic for language evolution.

What is the difference between the theory of language and evolution?

Theory of evolution refers to animals and plants evolution along the time. Language evolution is another issue, not entirely related to the theory of evolution. It follows the theory of evolution on some way but it is related to culture evolution, not to the physical attributes evolution.

What was the last scientific theory to challenge the theory of evolution?

No scientific theory ever challenged the theory of evolution.