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In the Acholi society, the slave trade was typically controlled by local chiefs or powerful individuals who had influence and resources to engage in such transactions for economic gain. Slave raiding and trading were often part of inter-tribal conflicts or conducted as a form of tribute payment.

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Q: Who controled slave trade in acholi?
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Whats the difference between African and American slave trade?

The African slave trade involved the capture and forced transportation of Africans to be sold as slaves within Africa and to other regions like the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East. The American slave trade refers specifically to the transatlantic slave trade, which involved the forced transportation of Africans to the Americas to be enslaved on plantations. The American slave trade was a subset of the broader African slave trade.

How were some Africans involved in the slave trade?

Some Africans were involved in the transatlantic slave trade as intermediaries who captured and enslaved people to sell to European slave traders. Additionally, some African rulers and merchants profited from the trade by selling enslaved individuals in exchange for goods and weapons.

What was the Atlanta slave trade?

The Atlanta slave trade refers to the buying and selling of enslaved individuals in Atlanta, Georgia during the time of slavery in the United States. Atlanta served as a transportation hub for the domestic slave trade, facilitating the movement of enslaved people to other parts of the South.

How did the Atlantic slave trade benefit the Africans?

The Atlantic slave trade did not benefit Africans. It led to the forced removal of millions of Africans from their homes, families, and communities, resulting in immense suffering, loss of life, and disruption of societies. The slave trade primarily benefited European and American slave traders, plantation owners, and industries that were built on the exploitation of enslaved Africans.

Why were fellow africans involved in the slave trade?

Fellow Africans were involved in the slave trade for various reasons, including profit, political power, and as a result of intertribal conflicts. European involvement also incentivized some African leaders to participate in the trade.